CEO Update

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Stories of lives well lived, shape and inspire one to live well. Today I received the news that Gilbert Hicks the first employee of PSSM passed away at the age 99!  2ndcity studios stands on the legacy of the foundation Gilbert Hicks lay from 1938 till 1977.  In his lifetime 1000’s of families were blessed by the Bible study resources he created for children to complete and stories he wrote and compiled for children to read so that they may be inspired to live for Jesus.

The game project  (the Aetherlight) 2ndcity studios is developing for release in 2015 is focussed on the same outcomes that motivated Gilbert in his 39 years serving God at PSSM.  One striking difference is that the game has the and potential to reach as many children in a year as Gilbert reached in his 39 years serving God at PSSM!  We are excited about the ability in the computer age to reach so many children with the true story of God as revealed in the scriptures across the whole world.

Gilbert Hick’s life is a story of a life well lived whose love of children and God permeate the game project PSSM is now committed to.

Strategic Update


We have now developed a bible curriculum that sits outside the game experience, that can be used as part of testing programme that commences later this year.  It is this dimension of the game experience which is key to the mission of the game project.  This  aspect of the game build is one of the  most challenging to pull off, as we don’t want to lose children from the game as they complete bible based activities with their family, bible class or Christian School teacher.  Initial feedback has been positive.

International Market:

This year our focus has been on profiling the Aetherlight to Christian Community in America and Australia through attending conferences for children’s workers, pastors and educators, plus securing partnerships with significant Christian publishers and ministries who have existing  connections with the pre teen market in the USA and internationally.  In the next two months we look forward to securing 3 or 4 of these and proudly announcing these to the world.

Financial Provision:

We are still dependent or donations. God has provided significant financial resources for the project to be sustained in the short term. It is our prayer that we may continue to grow our donor base and secure some six figure sponsorship before the end of the year.


Carl Becker

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