The Founding of Aethasia

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Let me tell you a story…

The man with no name had stood on this mountainside many times before, framed by cliffs, marked by his own hand as well as the passage of time. From here he dreamed, looking out over a sea of fog to what his nation would look like. What would separate it from every other nation? Faith? innovation? compassion? Sacrifice? Nay. All of the above.

It was nearly completed now. The big man, clothed in his spotless, regal blue coat, looked out over the land well pleased with what he had done. Already the great engines were beginning to disperse the fog, pushing it well beyond Aethâsia’s borders. From his lookout he could see the Snowmoors, a vast white tundra beginning the emerge and a city rising in the east through the dank purple fog – the rest would be completed when people began to arrive.

Then his nation be complete, then he would have a name.

They would call him the Great Engineer.

He had worked the land lovingly with just his two hands and his voice, drafting plans and scribbling ideas on this cliff face behind him, etched for eternity within the rock. Scratches in the cliff face, emanating and eerie but mesmirising blue light, told of his engines, and other creations that would set Aethâsia apart. Below him in the cliff face, laid his latest building project: 7 giant hangers, housing 7 Zeppelins. Sturdy ships, hung beneath balloons of canvas and hot air, rigged with radios transmitters. Each airship carried within its cockpit, Aether-monitors, designed from the same blueprints as those he had drawn up for this Aetherlight, the power behind his network of great engines.

Today was to be a grand day. Today would be the Founding. The sending out of the Zeppelins, armed only with his message. Several giant speakers were rigged to the sides of the airships. Through these he would communicate with those who would soon be his people. There on the side of the mountain the man cupped his large, dirty,calloused hands around his mouth, as if to yell to the ends of the earth. Yet he simply spoke to the wind, carrying the message to his Zeppelins.

‘Come one, come all, to the kingdom that is, but still isn’t – because if you are hearing this message, you aren’t here yet. Come one, come all, to a kingdom of the people, of love, faith, hope and peace. Where all are engineers of a future together. Where we can build this great nation together. Welcome one and all to Aethâsia.’

The final word came through as almost a whisper, the first time the man had uttered his nations name aloud. It was a christening of sorts, the invitation to join in the life of his nation and the sharing of its name with the world, and a name, once bestowed, can never be taken away.

He had not released the Zeppelins yet, though he had dreamed of this day enough times to see it play out before him. Caravans of people, would come in droves between the mountains that bordered his nation, bringing color with with them, in their caravans, costumes and skin. Salvagers, engineers, chefs, artists and entertainers, people from every and any walk of life would make the journey. They would come from far and wide, united by the man’s invitation, and their desire to be a part of his story.

The people would settle, and create and he would be their curator King. Not because he wanted to rule, but because they would need him to.

From his position on the mountain side he could see it all, and it was good. He could see it’s future,and he could remember the formless chaos that one lay beneath the fog. He could foresee both Aethâsia’s rise and it’s fall it that moment.. He could see it for all the pain it would cause him and for what he would have to sacrifice to make it right. But he would do it. For them he would do it.

They would call him the Great Engineer.
And a name, once bestowed can never be taken away.

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