The power of focus…

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If I have to be completely honest with you, focus isn’t one of my strong points… I am a bit of a dreamer and my mind will often wander off to the next big (or little) project that I may be distracted by… Whilst this often results in frustration for those close to me, it also happens to frequently yield some pretty good ideas… Focus is a critical part of developing and presenting a resource like 2ndcity. We are at a time where the world is our oyster and 2ndcity can take any shape that we want it to… so you give a creative person a blank canvas, and the mandate to go find some “what-ifs” and a whole lot of whiteboard space gets filled up pretty quickly!

Focus is also a big part of Photography… Just look at the way I can control what you are looking at in the following pictures…

By controlling what is in and out of focus, I can help you concentrate on the main subject of the photo. See how with the really blurry backgrounds your eye easily follows along with the main object, but when everything is sharp, you have difficulty working out what is going on… Don’t you think that life is a bit like that sometimes?

We live in a truly busy time. People are involved in so many different things. Most of us will relate to the joy of spending time at the beach or at a bach somewhere… times when we can get away from the “rat-race” and catch our breath again. I have preached around the country a little bit over the last few years and one of the things that I like to point out is how much we have often tried to cram time with God into our busy days… When actually it is the complete opposite that we need to do. We need to echo the words of the old Hymn “Abide with Me” and instead try to fit our “activity” around our time with God. I love the ancient book “Practicing the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence… it encourages us to be thinking about God and praying through our whole day… That time with God should never be an event, but the product of a two-way relationship. When we are focused on God, it is then that the things around us can be seen with a clearer perspective… kinda like what it says in Matthew 11…



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